Posts for Tag: He is Enough

He is Enough.....My Psalm

For several days now I have been working my way through praying the Psalm's in my devotional time. Today I read Psalm 7, a very strong emotional Psalm, written by David during a dark night of the soul. While meditating upon this Psalm and upon circumstances in my life, I felt led to pen my own Psalm. My family has been through a long dark night of the soul, and are still walking through the valley of it. We have endured combat deployments, wounded family members, suicide of loved ones, deep dark grief, PTSD, depression, anxiety and the hopeless feeling that often comes with such things. David pulled no punches in his writing, his emotions scream out from the Psalms. David is real with God, he does not decieve himself, but pours out his true heart. Meditating upon these things, I attempt also to pull no punches, to put down on paper the raw emotion that is so often felt and experienced in our journey.

 I come to You for protection O Lord my God!

My soul is torn by my enemies, my loved ones wounded, some near death!

This grief, this PTSD, this depression and anxiety threaten to consume us!

Lord, I stand, I fight, I seek You in prayer and in Your word, yet alone I fight!

Lord like your servant Moses, my hands grow weak, I can barely lift my sword!

I lay here,upon the ground, in the mud and mire of despair, my wounds bleeding sorrow

and my enemies taunt me. Saying "Where is your God?", "We rend the souls of those

you love while Your God is sleeping!"

O Lord, rise up! Stomp them into the ground! Crush the heads of these dark

serpents that feast upon our souls!

And yet, with broken voice I shout out, upon the ground, mud spattered despair

covers my armor. sorrow flows from my wounds, and yet I say to my enemies who

surround me..."I will yet see deliverance!", I will yet see you laying in the mire, helpless

and ashamed, my Lord's foot upon your head!".

Stand up O soul! Stand up! Hold up the sword of truth which your heart knows.

Let His righteousness wash the mire of despair from your armor.

Wounded you may feel, sorrow dripping to the ground..........but your enemy, the

enemies of your soul may only advance as far as your Lord allows!

He will not allow Your soul to perish, nor the souls of those you love!

Hold fast soul! Hold fast!


Victory comes......hold fast.