Living in His Will

    I truly believe that all of creation holds lessons within it, lessons for how we should live, lessons on who God is, and lessons on how we should relate to Him. The Bible is the living word of God, and is given us for our instruction, it is the central method by which we know Him........and yet creation also speaks lessons if we can only have eyes to see.

 I have pondered much across the years of my life on the subject of God’s will. What does God want of me? Does he have an exact detailed plan worked out for each and every moment that I must adhere to, or is His will more open? How do I know if I am in the will of God? Does He want me to go here, or there? Take that job, leave that job? As the years pass I become more aware that He simply wants me. He wants me to commune with Him. He wants me to seek Him, to learn of Him, to acknowledge Him, to fellowship with Him. Everything will fall into place if we can only put Him first and seek Him always.

 I sat this weekend on my back porch pondering these things. My three dogs shared this time with me. One by laying at my feet soaking up the sunshine, another by digging after ground squirrels and a third just casually patrolling the fence line and gazing out at the mesa.

 When I speak, or gaze upon them, their tails begin to thump, and they praise me with their thumping. When I call or hand out some treat, their gazes adoring, they beam their love at me, their trust of me. They praise me with their entire being.

 All three dogs were in these moments  completely and fully in my will. I had no problems with what they were doing. I simply delighted in sharing their company, and they in sharing mine. Their wagging tails, their happy frolics delighted me. I did not desire for them to sit in just a certain way, or to do any particular task. They were in my will simply by being with me.

 I pondered these things……..

  At one point Samson became agitated at Hektor and began to bark at him, so I had to rise from my ponderings and gently correct him. He listened to my words and went back to his squirrel hunt, and once again all three were living fully within my will, my benevolence and love. They trust me, they desire to please me, and they bask in my attention.

 I pondered these things…..


  Just like we often seek to determine God’s will in everyday matters, we also have our preconceived notions of who He is and how He operates.

 I have seen dogs work for unworthy masters, the dog executing each and every command flawlessly, but in fear and cringing. How often we put God into this guise, that He is some taskmaster that demands our absolute obedience, that we must cringe at His feet and await His command and we must sharply execute it, and flawlessly, lest he abandon us, or chastise us, or punish us. I have seen folks agonize over which job to choose, or which place to live because they were not sure where God wanted them to be.

 On the other hand I have seen the dog who works for the loving master, the dog who executes each and every command as best he can, in all out joy to please his master. The dog delights in the master and the master delights in the dog, they are friends, they are companions, they are bonded and one. Some of the most delightful people are the ones who simply bask in God, they go here, they go there, the going is not the issue, it is how they go. They delight in God and He in them and whether they live here, or there, matters not at all.

 This later scenario is how I see God, how my heart sees God.


      I think that due to our fears of making mistakes, or of what the future might hold, we often want God to spell everything out exactly, so we can go forth and execute, we want Him to tell us in the morning…” shower and brush your teeth, have some breakfast, go to this exact place and do this exact thing. Tell this person about me, and give 5$ to that person, read this chapter of the Bible, call this person, hug that person………turn that job down, accept this job, move from this place or to that place”....... but what God actually desires is that we arise with our thoughts on Him, that we look outside our windows as the sun comes up, and the beauty of it fills our hearts with awe of His grace. He wants us to talk with Him, to give our days, our hours, our moments into His care, all the while praising Him. In each situation we encounter our first thought, our first action should be love and Christ and giving it all to Him, laying each and everything we do at His feet in an act of worship.

 The will of God is for us to be like Jesus, and to do all that we do as unto Him. The dishes….the laundry…..the weeds…..the cooking….

 And to make choices in life that honor Him. Do we stay or do we move?  Do what seems best for you and your family as long as whatever you do honors Him.

  "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

  I look out at the big white dog who carries something in his mouth. I speak his name and his tail thumps and he drops it at my feet. A ground squirrel, not exactly what I get excited over, but the look on his face is pure joy as he shares this moment with me. I pet him, tell him he is good and pick up his offering….he is content to give it over to me.


 Oh Lord, You teach me so much through my dogs………

Taught Wisdom By a Dog

 I sit here on the back patio, my devotional book in hand, a cold Birch Beer on the table, and a big white dog at my feet. As I read and pray I gaze up at the Sandia Mountains, and the vivid blue skies, communing with my Lord, and she sits and gazes up at me.

 This dog is one of the special ones. All that know me know I love all dogs, and that I love the three that reside at my house and are part of my family. But every now and again there comes along one that is special. This one is one of the special ones.

 She is not much to look at, and any enthusiast of her breed would be quick to point out all her many faults. She looks like a Great Dane, with the head of a Boxer, her backend is higher than her front end, her legs and toes are all gangly and crooked, and she has the worst under bite I have ever seen in a dog. No she’s not much to look at…….but neither am I. She and I have a bond, and she is dear to my heart.

 She has known sorrow in her life, she has suffered, she has known days where there was no love, no breakfast and no dinner.  She first came to us, skinny, browbeaten, with rotten toe nails that fell off her feet if she knocked them against something…….but despite it all, she had a huge heart and all it needed was a little love for it to blossom. She loves big, one must be careful speaking to her as if there is any excitement in your voice she will burst into dance, her entire body wagging, and she will leap with joy, and furniture and plants and drinks on tables will go flying. She loves big.

 As I sit here praying, and as my gaze shifts from the bright blue sky, to the hazel eyes of the big white dog at my feet, I think of my Lord, and how much this big white dog is teaching me about worship. I want to be like her, I want to be content to sit at His feet and gaze upon Him, I want to listen attentively for the sound of His voice, I want to please Him, I want to walk with Him, commune with Him, to live every moment of my existence fully aware of His presence with me. When He speaks I want to be so full of joy at the sound of His voice that I cannot contain myself, bursting into dance, with no thought or worry as to whether I have the rhythm required for such antics.

 I call her to me, as I get ready to leave the house for work, her head in my lap I gently rub her ears and tell her she is good and that I love her. I tell her everything is going to be okay, and she trusts me, she stands sure upon my every word, she looks at me with eyes that say, “Just say the word, and I will lie right down and die for you, if that is what makes you happy”. I truly believe she would, were she able to understand such a request. I want to hold and keep that kind of faith in Jesus, a faith so certain that if he simply says “lay right down and die”, I would do it willingly, gladly and with a song on my lips.

 The older I get, the more I realize that this world is full of instruction, if we only pause and look. Creation really does cry out “there is a God, come and know Him!”   The heavens declare Him, the mountains declare Him, the trees declare Him, and the creatures declare Him!  I look upon this big white dog, and her ungainly body, her bulldog face, her trusting eyes….and I see the hand of our Creator God.


““Lord, we thank you for our dogs — your simple gift to us. Open us to what they teach. We thank you for the grateful exuberance of our dogs.

“We thank you for the way they bound across the hills, splash in the waters, chew on sticks, and roll in the dewy grass. Teach us, every day, to say our own ‘thank you’ with every fiber of our being, for the wondrous works of your creation.

“We thank you, Lord, for the honest, direct loyalty of our dogs. We thank you for the wag of their tails and the offer of a cuddle for friend and stranger alike, the way they make people . . . into our neighbors, the way they regard not body type, color of hair, or color of skin. We thank you for the easy way they forgive faults — the way they love us, not because we can love back, but because of our need for love. . . .” (


“I look up and I see God, I look down and see my dog.
Simple spelling G O D, same word backwards, D O G.
They would stay with me all day. I'm the one who walks away.
But both of them just wait for me, and dance at my return with glee.
Both love me no matter what - divine God and canine mutt.
I take it hard each time I fail, but God forgives, dog wags his tail.
God thought up and made the dog, dog reflects a part of God.
I've seen love from both sides now, it's everywhere, amen, bow wow.
I look up and I see God, I look down and see my dog.
And in my human frailty...I can't match their love for me. “ (God and Dog, by Wendy Francisco)


  The above are lyrics to the song “God and Dog”, but few are aware of the story behind that video and song.  The below link tells the story and also has links to the video. Enjoy.


His Grace Finds Me

Feeling old, and tired, and just wanting to sleep for a bit, I sit on a bench here at work. The day is hot, and the hotness increases the tired and worn feeling I carry today.

 As I sit reading from a devotional, a cool and uplifting breeze begins to blow. The little Japenese Maple above my head begins to sing its wind song softly to me, the tree across from me, species unknown, waves its branches and leaves in greeting, almost as if it is fanning me.

 I feel the cool breeze upon my skin, my eyes take in the deep and vivid green of the grass, the deep and vivid greens of the trees. I look up to the blue sky, viewed through the leaves of the little Maple.

 My body is still tired, after all three hours of sleep just isn't enough, but my soul zings with energy. Such a beautiful world, so full of grace, this cool breeze sent to energize me, to tell me I am beloved.

His grace finds me, it covers me, it overwhelms me and I wonder how many moments like this one I have failed to even notice.

I give thanks for the breeze,

I give thanks for the song of the trees,

I give thanks for the deep green,

I give thanks for the freshness I smell on the air,

I give thanks for the grace,

grace upon grace.

marvelous grace......

 Yet it's a harsh cruel world Lord..

 a man died today, I watched his mother plead for his life last week.

 I prayed for him, prayed for strength and grace and peace, prayed for his freedom....

 I wonder today if he was strong at the end, if he felt peace, if his soul is now free with You.

It's a hard world, a mean world, where has compassion fled to?

How can it be that a young man, who received the benefits of western society, who was already attracting fame and fortune...

How could he leave all that to go to a land of horrors and cut the heads from innocent prisoners?

Lord if the blood of Abel cried out to you from the ground.....what piercing screams assault Your ears today? We pour blood upon the ground like it is water.

 Creation groans, Your people groan....

even so, come quickly Lord Jesus

 And I sit here on a bench, under the Japenese Maple, listening to it's whisper song in the breeze, my body is tired, my heart is heavy, but my spirit soars.

 The breeze stills and all is quiet, the leaves prefectly still, and I hear the still small voice in my soul say "BE STILL and KNOW that I AM God". And I acknowledge this truth, my eyes lifted to the bright blue sky, and the breeze returns, and the trees sing it with me....

"It’s there in the newborn cry
There in the light of every sunrise
There in the shadows of this life
Your great grace

It’s there on the mountain top
There in the everyday and the mundane
There in the sorrow and the dancing
Your great grace
Oh such grace

From the creation to the cross
There from the cross into eternity
Your grace finds me, yes your grace finds me

It’s there on a wedding day
There in the weeping by the graveside
There in the very breath we breathe
Your great grace

The same for the rich and poor
The same for the saint and for the sinner
Enough for this whole wide world
Your great grace
Oh such grace

There in the darkest night of the soul
There in the sweetest songs of victory
Your grace finds me
Yes your grace finds me

Your great grace
Oh such grace
Your great grace
Oh such grace

So I’m breathing in Your grace
And breathing out Your praise
I’m breathing in Your grace
Forever I’ll be

Your grace finds me
Yes Your grace finds me

   I breathe it in..........

"Praise the name of God forever and ever,

for he has all wisdom and power.

He controls the course of world events;

he removes kings and sets up other kings.

He gives wisdom to the wise

and knowledge to the scholars.

He reveals deep and mysterious things

and knows what lies hidden in darkness,

though he is surrounded by light.

I thank and praise you, God of my ancestors,

for you have given me wisdom and strength.

You have told me what we asked of you

and revealed to us what the king demanded.” Daniel 2:20-23

Our Sacred Quest

Our journey did not begin as any kind of sacred quest. It began as a much needed vacation, a chance to be together, a chance to lay aside the many cares of life and just reconnect, with each other, with God's great creation and with our Creator. I guess I did not realize that it had in fact been a sacred quest, until we were near the very end of it.
 The title comes from my eldest son, who in his jesting manner simply asked the question, "when does your and dads sacred quest end?" A simple question meant to ask "when will you guys be home", instead becomes the title for my post.
 Twenty nine years of marriage molds you together, you become like a favorite pair of slippers, or a warm blanket, to each other. You pay no real attention to these slippers, or this blanket, perhaps washing them from time to time, or dusting off the dirt, but you put no real effort into them. You simply acknowledge, somewhere in the depths of your thoughts that these things make you comfortable. Now there is nothing wrong with this, but one must be aware that it can lead to taking your loved one for granted. I know I have been guilty of this over the years.
  So we set out, early Thursday morning, with a hastily packed vehicle, enough food for simple meals and a grand dog named Samson. We headed north. We were both excited, eager to just get away from mundane life and see the beautiful outdoors. I was unaware at the time just how many blessings God had in store for us.

 We headed north to Chama, New Mexico and visited the two beautiful lakes there. We stopped at El Vado for some fishing.  Looking down on the lake we could see huge fish swimming around. My husband fished while I entertained Samson the dog, who believed all water was created for him to frolic in, and that any and every stick, up to the size of trees, were created and placed for him to retrieve. His first step into the lake was a shock, for he was more accustomed to the beaches of Washington, where Melanie often took him to play, and as he stepped out into water that was over his head he panicked a bit, his front legs flailing about, his back ones desperately seeking the ground, but after a few moments he got the hang of it and was swimming like a champ. We played for a bit, then walked the shoreline. I found several shell fossils which I placed in my pocket and we headed back to sit with Nef as he fished. He had several bites but no luck with catching anything. The huge fish just swam around uninterested in anything he had to offer.

  We packed up and headed to Lake Heron, normally a huge beautiful lake, but the levels were very low with the years of drought and we decided not to stop.

We began searching for our first camping spot along the beautiful Chama River. We picked a old side road and headed down into the valley. As we traveled it looked as if we might be spending our first night in the middle of nowhere in particular, but finally we broke free into the river valley and found a beautiful campsite right next to the river, with beautiful red cliffs above. The river was bubbling over rocks and sang it's pleasant relaxing song. Black Billed Magpies were abundant and you could hear their calls and watch them as they flew about the cliffs. The valley was filled with numerous wildflowers. It was a breathtakingly beautiful place.

 I sat in camp that evening and read from the Psalms, and was in awe of the majesty of God, and of the wonder of creation, of how beautiful the world is. I was humbled to think that He created it for us to enjoy. In awe of His goodness.
 We slept that night in peace, with the river singing and we awoke to another glorious day. Oh how good is fresh percolated coffee on a mountain morning next to a flowing river! We had a breakfast of bacon and eggs, enjoyed our coffee and somewhere during that time it begin to lightly drizzle. Since we were deep in the valley and the road out steep and unkempt, we decided to break camp and head out.
  We traveled through the Apache reservation on a quest of lakes, visiting Stone Lake, and Stinking Lake, both turned out to be small lakes surrounded by grass. We did not stop at either. We continued on our way to Dulce, New Mexico, admiring the beautiful scenery along the way.

   Near Dulce, New Mexico, one of the mountain tops had rock formations that looked like a castle.
  It had drizzled all day, so we decided to head back to Chama and find a motel room for the night rather than setup camp in the rain. We spent the night in a tiny room, built in the 40s, with a very quaint shower, a tiny little television and a comfortable queen size bed. We had dinner at a local restaurant and Samson and I took several little walks about Chama. That evening Nef and I along with Samson walked about the Chama Steam Train Station and had coffee and then we chased Samson around inside a local gift shop as he slipped his collar and decided to explore on his own.

 The next morning we grabbed some breakfast from a local cafe and headed towards Taos. As we drove through the mountain pass we were in the clouds, with fog so thick at times you could barely see. We sang the Misty Mountains song from The Hobbit.

Far over the Misty Mountains cold
To dungeons deep and caverns old
We must away ere break of day,
To find our long-forgotten gold

The pines were roaring on the height
The winds were moaning in the night
The fire was red, it flaming spread
The trees like torches blazed with light

On silver necklaces they strung
The flowering stars, on crowns they hung
The dragon-fire, in twisted wire
They meshed the light of moon and sun.

We stopped at the Rio Grande Gorge and decided to walk out on the bridge. Samson was a little freaked out by the height and the traffic passing on the bridge. I managed to take a couple of pictures before everything went wrong. As we were walking off the bridge, intending to put Samson in the car, he panicked and slipped his collar, running out into the middle of the bridge and stopping traffic. He then headed to the little open air market on the side of the road and gallivanted about visiting many people before we were finally able to recapture him. We decided that it was time to continue our journey.
  In Taos we found a local pet store and purchased a harness for Samson as we were somewhat tired of chasing him about and he seemed to have a knack for slipping out of the collar.

  We headed out into the Sangre De Christo (Blood of Christ) mountains, named by the Spanish conquistadors as they gazed upon these beautiful mountains at sunset and the mountains were all ablaze in red.

  We headed into Valle Verde on our way up to the Rio Costilla Park. There are no words to describe the abundant beauty we encountered and the photos although beautiful, do not do justice to the splendor we viewed. Our Creator is an awesome God, and I could not help but think of heaven and how wonderful it must be, for He tells us in His word that we simply cannot imagine the wonders in store, and I looked upon these views and thought how can anything be more amazing than this?

 We made camp by a stream, with a ring of tall pines encircling our tent, and another ring of tall pines encircling our campfire. Looking out at the huge forests of tall pines, densely packed together and reaching to the heavens I was reminded of Elisha.
"Then Elisha prayed, ‘O LORD, open his eyes and let him see!’ The LORD opened the young man’s eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire.”
 That night we sat at our campfire and gazed up through the opening above us into the night sky, so filled with stars that your eyes simply could not take it all in. That next morning I sat and gazed through that same opening at the clouds colored as the sun rose.

 We traveled up a high mountain road, to a lake called Little Blue, it was a hard long climb and upon reaching the top you have to hike in about 1/4 mile to the Lake, which was a beautiful deep crystal clear lake. Nef fished while Samson and I explored. The scenery was spectacular. Nef pulled out his limit of two big fat trout, which we had for supper that evening.
The next morning we broke camp and begin to explore the Costilla River. Samson and I hiked along the stream while Nef fished. He caught two more trout. Further upstream Samson retrieved numerous dead sticks and trees from the water. I admired the many wildflowers growing in the meadows around the stream.

 We reluctantly left the Rio Costilla park, vowing to return as there are numerous mountain lakes we did not get to see, these require planning and time as there are hikes involved in getting to them. It was a beautiful place and one we highly recommend if you are in the area. I imagine we could have spent a month here and never seen all there is to see. We were told of one of the high lakes, which is a pretty good hike in, that has a beautiful waterfall. The man describing it to us said it was "like heaven to behold". We intend, God willing, to go back and see this place for ourselves.
 We headed out upon a dirt road through the Valle Verde, and traveled almost 40 miles winding up and down the steep mountain passes. We reached an altitude of just short of 10,000 feet. We stopped for lunch at a small lake.

 As we came out into civilization again, near Questa, New Mexico, I got a craving for a Root Beer, and asked Nef to stop should he see a place that might have one. As we traveled past a little store, I teased him for failing to stop. A short time later we past yet another small store, and once again I teased him for failing to stop. He had forgotten my desire for a Root Beer and he pulled over and turned around and headed back. Upon entering this tiny little store and informing the owner of my desire for a Root Beer, I was amazed to discover that they carried Boylen's Root Beer, and not only that they carried Bolyen's Birch Beer! Now Birch Beer is my all time favorite and not something you often find in New Mexico. I purchased four bottles and left the store excited with my find! God had a lot of blessings for us on this trip but I was amazed to be blessed with Bolyen's Birch Beer in the middle of nowhere New Mexico!
 We traveled through Red River, which is another place that we intend to revisit, it has a multitude of things to do and see. Our main reason for visiting it was nothing more than a childhood memory of the song Red River Valley, and of my dad singing it.

From this valley they say you are going,
We will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile,
For they say you are taking the sunshine
Which has brightened our pathways a while.

Come and sit by my side if you love me;
Do not hasten to bid me adieu,
But remember the Red River Valley,
And the girl that has loved you so true.

I've been thinking a long time, my darling,
Of the sweet words you never would say,
Now, alas, must my fond hopes all vanish?
For they say you are going away.

Won't you think of the valley you're leaving,
Oh, how lonely and sad it will be,
Just think of the fond heart you're breaking,
And the grief you are causing to me.

From this valley they say you are going,
When you go, may your darling go too?
Would you leave her behind unprotected,
When she loves no one other than you.

As you go to your home by the ocean,
May you never forget those sweet hours,
That we spent in the Red River Valley,
And the love we exchanged 'mid the flowers.

I have promised you, darling, that never
Will a word from my lips cause you pain,
And my life, it will be yours forever,
If you only will love me again.

They will bury me where you have wandered,
Near the hills where the daffodils grow,
When you're gone from the Red River valley,
For I can't live without you I know.


 Our intentions were to camp along the Red River, but as we traveled it there was nothing that called out, most spots were either highly congested, or too close to the main road, and the river was more like a brook than a river, so we kept traveling and considered whether we should just head for home when we came upon a sign for Lake Cabresto and decided to check it out. We drove along a road with numerous cabins and houses, some of them pretty unique.

 I was expecting that our last campsite would be nothing like the previous ones, as we traveled up a high mountain road, more like a jeep trail than a road, and as the road twisted this way and that and I observed the nondescript campsites along the side I expected to settle for something far less spectacular than we had previously enjoyed. Once again I failed to remember that God was abundantly blessing us on this journey. We arrived to the top and found a beautiful mountain lake.

 We headed out the next morning, traveling back into Taos and then following the Rio Grande all the way to Sante Fe. We sipped the last of our Birch Beer and agreed that it had been the very best of times.

  As we traveled the last part of our journey, along I25 from Sante Fe home, one we have taken countless times, even then God had blessings in store, for He painted the sky with the most beautiful clouds.

  Our journey came to an end. Although there are no profound words within this post, no amazing insights, only this simple truth. God is good. He created all things for our pleasure. He delights in providing even the most simple things for His children. He is trustworthy and true. He gives peace, He gives joy. He demands us to "be still, and KNOW that He IS God.

 I give thanks to You, Father of life, Giver of good, my Rock and my Salvation, for this wonderful time with my husband, this scared quest. We found peace, we found joy, we found each other and most of all, we found You.

 "When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: 'Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!' 'Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!' Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, 'Teacher, rebuke your disciples!' 'I tell you,' he replied, 'if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out."---Luke 19:37-40 NIV

 (I heard the rocks and trees and lakes and streams crying out their praise to God. It was not an audible sound, it was a soul sound. I think most folks know that sound, your soul hears it when you look out at a spectacular view, when you see something that just stirs the soul....)

"You alone are the LORD. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all the starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you."---Nehemiah 9:6 NIV

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard."---Psalm 19:1-3 NIV

"For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God."--Romans 1:20 NLT

Independance Day

  With each passing year, the 4th of July has changed for me. It used to be party time, birthday celebrations with flag waving and hot dogs and baseball games with fireworks.
  Although we still gather together for a party, grill the dogs and shoot off the fireworks, the feelings in my heart have changed.
I will never forget the 4th of July when my firstborn was deployed to Afghanistan. Every firework brought questions, were they fighting at that very moment as we sat in our chairs watching the display. How could such a thing be, that I could see beauty in explosions while they represented death and ugliness over there.
  I remember struggling with resentment, I still do actually,  for what I perceived was an utter lack of understanding by pretty much everyone. I wished that I could gather with the families of those deployed, for the comradeship, for they know, they understand.
I remember thinking of the names of the fallen, sons of friends, men I had researched and written tributes for.
   I thought of a little boy sitting in a heart shaped wave at the beach. Of the Marine and his boyish face. I thought of Michael... Kevin.... Jason..... Kris....Seth....Andy......Thomas....Mecolus ....Stiggy........Daren....David....Donald.....Matthew....Rudy..., Vincent.....Frank.....Patrick.....Titus.....Brandon......Travis.....Stacy.....Steven.......Adam......William.....Jamie.......Dustin......Joshua.....and a host of others gone too soon.
Names have been added to the list since then......Michael D.....Juan......Artie......Vilmar.....Derek.....Daniel.....Ethan.....
  This year I will remember. As the fireworks go off, as the beautiful clusters fill the sky, I will go through the list of names and faces engraved in my memory the list is long and my faulty memory will not allow me to access each one, nor can my fingers bare the typing of them were I able to recall.
  As we celebrate America today, may each soul remember and reflect........freedom is not free.
  May God bless our Gold Star families this Independence Day, and may He ever bless and keep all who have served, especially those who fought, for they have paid in blood and sweat and tears in purchasing our freedom.

May God guard and protect all those still standing in harm's way on our behalf.

Link to database of our fallen.

Photo album Honor to the Troops

 Not all fireworks are in celebration. This photo depicts the Wolfhounds as they gather together in Afghanistan, the flares in the sky launched in tribute as their fallen brothers are beginning their final journey home.