Let's Be Real

 “Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand.”  

   A few months ago I and my beloved became part of a small group of people who are assisting to launch a brand new church on the west side of Albuquerque. The church will be called Mosaic Church. I was given a beautiful red t-shirt that says " Bringing the beauty of Jesus Christ and His gospel to the broken places in our lives." That's what Mosaic Church's vision is. God taking the broken and forming them together into something beautiful, something glorious, something He will use to bless the community.

   We have been attending church plant meetings where we have discussed the various identifying factors that we want Mosaic to be seen as. The central part of the vision is the gospel of Jesus Christ, that is the key to Mosaic, that is how Mosaic will be known, as a church who portrays the gospel not only in the services but also in the community. Many words were offered up in our meetings, words that define how a church ought to be. One of them jumped out at me. It's the word REAL, or authentic. So with that in mind I shall leap out in faith, in an attempt to be real. Being real can hurt, because sometimes it impacts our image, that thing we grasp so tightly to, that thing that other's use to define us. But today, let's be brave, let's be real.

  I am in my fifties, and have been attending church for sometime. I have it fairly easy in that respect because the church I attend is way over on the far end of Albuquerque and it's a long drive. Work schedules do not permit me to take part in mid week activities. And I can easily use a multitude of excuses for not attending. So being a member has really been not much more than praying for my pastor and the leaders, giving my tithes and attending Sunday worship service. There, I confessed it, I have been a lazy church member for some time.

 Now I find myself caught up in this group of people, excited people, energetic people. They want to serve the community, they want to go out and attend events wearing shirts that proclaim the gospel, sharing the gospel in graceful and thoughtful ways and they radiate (to me at least) youth and life and vibrancy. That alone is pretty scary for a introvert female in her fifities.

  I'm not certain I can keep up with them, not certain if I can be of use to this vibrant young church full of youth and vigor. But I feel God calling me, and if He is calling me, then I trust He will supply all that is needed.

  So I sit down, strap in, and hold on...this ride is about to take off, it looks scary, but I expect it will be exciting, and beautiful......go Mosaic!

Join us for our first public service on Jan 10th 2016!