Autumn ends the Singing

Today I picked up a leaf

From my favorite singing tree

Where I sat and prayed for Adam

And all his guys

Where I wept for the wounded

Where I wept for the dead

Where I sat and prayed for Josh

Where I sat and prayed for Mel

Where I wept for Mel

Where I weep for Adam

Many times I sat

Under its branches

And failed to hear its song

One day the Lord spoke

To my weary heart

Listen….be still….listen

Hear the trees sing

And then I heard it

It sang not a lament

but rather praise

The wind rustled through leaves

And it was if the tree rejoiced


In exaltation

In praise to the King

To me it sang

“Peace, be still,

It will all be well

He lives

And because He lives

We can dance in the wind and the rain.”

   The beautiful tall Sycamore Tree, that I have so often sat under, has dropped all its leaves. It sits quiet now, and naked. I shall miss its singing as the wind blows through its branches.


On the night of this writing, as I was leaving work, I paused outside and looked up at the old tree. It was still. Only a few leaves clinging to its limbs. As I looked up a gentle breeze began to blow, and the limbs of the tree began to move, and the few leaves clinging began to rustle and make last song before spring........sleep now old friend, I will see you in the spring.